You Are Here is an application developed by Tesseract Software. You Are Here was first published on . The app is accessible on Steam, Other.
You are Here gives you the power to shrink and expand the universe. Take a journey from tiny quarks, atoms, cells, planets, stars, galaxies - all the way to the observable universe! This project has been heavily inspired by the classic 1977 Science film by Charles and Ray Eames, Powers of 10.
Data Sources
- Star positions, colors, and magnitudes are from the HYG Database. The database is a subset of the data in three major catalogs: the Hipparcos Catalog, the Yale Bright Star Catalog (5th Edition), and the Gliese Catalog of Nearby Stars. There are 119,615 stars in the HYG Database.
- The galaxies are from Data Release 14 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and describes the position and size of 755,649 galaxies.
- Thank you Dr. Miguel Angel Aragon Calvo, Assistant Professor at the National Astronomical Observatory, UNAM for generously providing his galaxy data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
- Thank you David Nash for your excellent HYG Database of stars.